There are a few important documents that you need when driving an automobile, regardless of what state you are currently in; a valid driver’s license and proof of auto insurance. Almost everyone has a driver’s license nowadays. Since photo identification is being required more and more, having a license serves more than just the one purpose. Sadly, not everyone is as adamant about obtaining insurance for their vehicle, despite it now being against the law to drive without coverage.
How Progressive Became Progressive With Auto Insurance
Part of the problem many drivers encounter in regard to car insurance is the rising cost of premiums each year, and how they are treated by some major insurance companies. No one wants to be viewed merely as a statistic and an account number, and yet that is how a lot of drivers were made to feel. Progressive Auto Insurance was a breath of fresh air to many customers since when they opened their doors in 1937.
Company founders Joe Lewis and Jack Green believed in offering quality service, security, and financial protection for those who took to the road each day. A simple bank loan of less than $15,000 was to be the seed to a now multi-billion dollar industry. Progressive’s approach to auto insurance has always been innovative and ahead of its time; it is a policy that puts more control back in the hands of the drivers themselves. Customer satisfaction is still the top priority for this revolutionary company.
Progressive Auto Insurance has been in the “firsts” business since from the beginning; offering policies to high risk drivers, payment plans for premiums, and their now famous drive-in insurance claims service. What Progressive may be most known for is providing not only their rates to customers, but also the rates of other leading insurance companies. Is Progressive always the lowest? Surprisingly no; and it is this service that is making them something very special.
The company burst onto the internet scene in 1995 and was soon making waves once more by allowing customers to obtain auto insurance coverage online. Then came the ticker; surf on over to Progressive’s web site and check out actual real-time quotes being offered to customers anywhere and anytime. This is just in case you need more proof that they are willing to go that extra mile for you; they are also willing to pay for the gas.